Mentors Make Mentors: 7 Tips For Your Open Source Mentoring N: 0. In open source it's simply part of the job - 15% to 50%; at the least enable the enablers 1. Use the power of "to document" 2. Public and private - choosing, leveraging public 3. Create communities of practice to achieve scale 4. Outside to Inside & the power of paying it back 5. Mentor different levels -- small instances have yield too 6. Meet people where they are & for what they need -- small instances have yield too 7. N = more than 10 5 or 0 better? 15? 3s or 5s? odd number TODO / Open Source Program Management Lessons Learned Starting a New Open Source Program Office Open Collaboration Conference Incentivization and Engagement Software Development Methodologies and Platforms Building Internal Innersource Communities Remote Team Management and Methods Bug / Issue Management and Triage Communication Platforms and Methods Open Source Governance and Models Mentoring and Training Event Strategy Content Management and Social Media DevOps Culture Community Management Advocacy and Evangelism s what to include ● who is this talk for? ● why should they be interested? ● what information will be covered? ● how will it be explained/demonstrated? just a little hype champion your project / idea (if you’re not excited, neither is anyone else) BUT … don’t oversell it (hyperbole gets downvotes) ==================================== Mentors Make Mentors: 7 Tips To Make Your Open Source Mentors Viral Abstract* (1000 char) Provide an abstract that briefly summarizes your proposal. Provide as much information as possible about what the content will include. Do not be vague. This is the abstract that will be posted on the website schedule, so please ensure that it is in complete sentences (and not just bullet points) and that it is written in the third person (use your name instead of I). The presentation selection process is very competitive, with many proposals rejected. A well written abstract will greatly increase the possibility of the proposal being accepted. """ If mentoring is the cornerstone of a successful open source project, how do you sustainably grow mentors? After all, mentors don't fall from the trees, right? How can the hand-holding become viral? In this talk you'll learn why and how "mentors make more mentors" is the secret ingredient of the best open source project mentors. This method helps enable collaboration at a scale, to grow beyond a tightly-knit original contributor core. Karsten draws upon two decades in roles across open source projects and as a community architect at Red Hat to craft 7 specific tips for education and discussion. By no means all the tips and tricks one can know about, he focuses on broadly useful areas, such as: defining the role; empowering subjects; creating communities of practice; building diversity in from the start; and more! By the end of this presentation you will have methods and resources to use for your open source community development mentoring. 0. In open source it's simply part of the job - 15% to 50%; at the least enable the enablers 1. Use the power of "to document" 2. Public and private - choosing, leveraging public 3. Create communities of practice to achieve scale 4. Outside to Inside & the power of paying it back 5. Mentor different levels -- small instances have yield too 6. Meet people where they are & for what they need -- small instances have yield too key items to above -- when there is diversity between the mentor and the subject, the outcom e is better, so build in that desire from the start. """ Benefits to the Ecosystem* (900 char) Tell us how the content of your presentation will help better the ecosystem. This could be for Linux, open source, open cloud, embedded, etc. *Note: We realize that this can be a difficult question to answer, but as with the abstract, the relevance of your presentation is just as important as the content. We may say that open source community development methodologies have won the industry, but how do we grow leaders """""" The biggest risk we have when things are going well, people too easily forget the struggles everyone and everything faces in getting started. Each individual and the whole ecosystem have roots and reasons for how open collaboration and community development is best done. While training courses and handbooks provide a lot of good resources for people diving into an open source community, it is ultimately the human relationship that builds trust and capacity for a project to move forward, together. Key is mentoring. Those who know even the littlest bit about a project must help bring along others. Just as vital are those fewer of us who have been around for a while, we must help bring along the amazing and diverse community of individuals who now seek to collaborate with us. This talk just hopes to help that work and further the discussion. """"""" resources