Proposal title: How to follow the open source way Description * (brief overview for marketing purposes, max. length 400 characters—about 65 words) Have you ever tried to conduct a community based on the principles of the open source software movement? Call this "the open source way." Have you ever been stuck trying to understand, explain, or convince others about the open source way? This session introdues a handbook filled with specific principles, teaches how to follow them, and offers methods to pass that teaching on to others. Topics: Business, Community, Education, Government, Healthcare Session type: 40 min. presentation Abstract: Sometimes one of the hardest things we do is sticking to all the myriad principles that define the open source way. How can we even remember them all? Aside from just keeping yourself following good open source practices, you have to help all the other people too: fellow collaborators, other contributors, your team at work, the Dean of your college, your product manager, the CTO, and so forth. How do you get them understanding and following the open source way? You've seen and heard about the success of these methods, you hear that people are applying them to everything from designing prosthetics to dresses. How do you get started? More than just a software development methodology, the open source way is a method for growing any community. The principles can be applied to business, education, government, marketing, design, content creation, and many other domains. They are applied to starting new businesses and creating entrepreneurial opportunities at very low cost with very few resources. This session teaches you about a useful handbook that is actively created by other community leaders as a canonical location for key principles, implementation details, and examples of the open source way. By the end of the session you'll be able to use this handbook to guide yourself and others in implementing the open source way in your project, product, or community. Tags: community, the open source way, community of practice, leadership, how-to,