== Title == Ultimate Randomness - Girl voices in open source == Brief description (255 char) == In this session, several girls who are involved as users of and contributors to open source projects present some of their work. This is followed by a Q&A session for the audience to explore how to get girls involved in open source. == Short Abstract (1000 char) == Malakai, Mirano, and Saskia are self-identified girls and self-described Fedora Mascots, who have participated in several open source projects as users and contributors. From using free and open tools for writing, art, and music, to contributing to XO/Sugar, these girls were first introduced to using Linux by their dads. For the first 1/3rd of the presentation, the girls present some of their art, open collaborations, and favorite programs. They introduce "chat play", an interactive role playing game they invented while travelling last year as Fedora Mascots to multiple Linux and open source festivals. The girls are active in an unorganized young people's QA team for Sugar/OLPC activities. In the last 2/3rds of the time, the girls would like an open discussion with the audience to explore what can get more girls involved in open source. "Disclaimer: we are not responsible for anyone's head going a'splode." == Long Abstract (10000 char) == Although it's fun to talk about what they are doing, the girls and their dads recognize this as an uncommon opportunity for women in the computer field to talk with outspoken and knowledgeable girls of the next generation. == Notes (submitted) == If it is possible, it would be more convenient for the girls to present in the morning session. == Plan (not submitted) == Topics: * GIMP, TuxPaint, Inkscape for drawing * OO.org for writing, presenting * Games * Open art collaboration via iScribble * Fedora Mascots * Sugar QA team * Audacity, Hydrogen, PiTiVi * * :00 to :15 - Present works, usage, and contributions. * :16 to :45 - Q&A exploration. * :45 to :55 - Continue discussion or finish up. == Bios == Mirano is 12 years old and attends school in Aptos, CA. She is interested in art, computer games, music, role play, food, and writing. Mirano may never give you a serious answer about what she sees in her future, but she might say, "Stay tuned for more processing information ..." Malakai is 12 years old and homeschools in Santa Cruz, CA. Malakai's passions include music, dance, theater, fashion, writing, art & manga, and role play. If you ask her what she wants to do when she is older, she is likely to say, "Please wait patiently until I have more information." Saskia is 8 years old and homeschools in Santa Cruz, CA. Her favorite things include dance, music, reading, role play, sports, and going to the beach. Saskia probably won't tell you what she wants to do later in life, and that's OK.