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5.3. Living With Complexity

Fair warning: sometimes code doesn't compile. Sometimes you follow all the instructions, and it still doesn't work. What then?
If this is your first experience dealing with a large codebase written by someone else, then welcome to the real world. As you run your first build, you may have very little idea of what's actually going on. Don't get discouraged. Have patience; you'll soon begin to figure it all out.
You are about to walk through a software build process. The typical build command might return hundreds, or even thousands, of log entries, all of which scroll across the screen at lightning speed. You may understand all, some, or none of those entries.
That's okay. Everyone starts somewhere.
Here are some points to keep in mind.
Read instructions carefully
Almost every sizable FOSS project has a README or an INSTALL file that provides instructions for how to build and install the software. Read those instructions, and do your best to follow them to the letter. Understand that even the best instructions may leave out a step or two -- and these are opportunities to improve the project.
Don't expect to understand every word
Very few developers understand every single word of every build log they encounter. Learning to distinguish between the important messages and the spurious messages takes time. Don't be intimidated.
Read logs carefully and thoughtfully
When you see an error, read back and think about what it could mean. Does the error say "couldn't find something"? That probably means you didn't install a library dependency properly. Was the error you found the only error in the log? In a 1000-line build log, the error at the end could be the result of another error dozens, or hundreds, of lines earlier. If your build doesn't end happily, don't panic. Relax and work your way through the problem.
Google is your friend
If you don't understand an error message, just Google it! Googling an error message can be a surprisingly effective method for determining what's gone wrong. There's a decent chance that someone before you has run into the same error, and someone has posted the solution to your problem on a message board or mailing list. Even if the answer isn't obvious, there will frequently be clues. The Internet is a gigantic resource. Use it.
Ask for help
If you've done your homework and still can't figure out why your program isn't building, get on the project's mailing list, message board, or IRC channel, and ask for help. The more you've dug into the problem, and the more information you provide, the more likely it is that developers will help you figure out the problem.
Now it's time to get on with it.